
現役九大工学部の3年生です。 趣味はスノボ、サーフィン、スケボなどとにかく。エアラインパイロット志望。 トビタテ!留学ジャパンを利用して北アリゾナ大学に十ヶ月留学したあとJICAでインターンします。

将来どうなるんだろ My concern about my future career.









ただこのまま土木の道を進んで普通に就職するのだけはごめんだ。もがいてもがいてもがき倒してやる。これまでの経験上自分の本気で行きたいこと目標の2段階下が現実だと考えると今は自社養成に受かってp訓になるのがSetgoalとしては正しいのかもしれない。とりあえず今ここでできることに集中したい。普段の授業はもちろんインターンの手続き英会話能力の向上、健康体の維持、TOEFL CAC一次試験に向けた勉強etc やることは富士山よりも山積みだ。


Long time no see guys. This is comlicated man Shota.

My little brother failed to college entrance examination and my parents divorced and still argue all the time. And me who do not feel confortable with my life in the US although I have hoped for this. What makes me feel? 

I personally think that I grow up well in terms of english skills and having confidnet and keeping good grade as well. However, I cannot imagine my career in the future.

I wanted to be a airline pilot and still eager to be, but this job is special which everybody study hard cannot be because of physical. It requres high-level of physical statement, but to be honest I am so nervous about that. I might not be pilot even though I spent much time studying. I also cannot rely on my parents becuase they are not enough mental state to talk about my concern. But what I can say is that I will regret if I follow the railroad which is about civil engineering and give up dive into aviation industory.

I know the relation between my goal and the reality. My result is from 2 face down of my hope. so I set my goal so high and make much efforts to achieve that. (which is being P trainer by airline company)

During the spring break, I took a rest in terms of mentally and physically. and also I realized 45 days left until I am no longer a NAU studnet. Make utmost effort and jast wait for result. This is my favorite phrase. The library open for 24 hours. I know I can concentrate on doing stuff morning. Finally, my life is either go progress or recession. No staying. Be proactive Stay foolish. Be hungry.